Can a Trichologist Help Me Grow My Hair?

Trichologists are hair and scalp specialists, focusing on the growth and quality of your hair. If you’ve been staring at photos of people with thick, long hair and wondering how you can achieve the same, a trichologist may be able to assist you.

A Hairdresser Can Only Do So Much

While your hairdresser will be able to do a lot in terms of keeping your hair looking healthy, they aren’t able to address problems such as hair loss and scalp irritation. A trichologist, on the other hand, is able to advise you on what might be causing your hair and scalp problems and the best way to treat them.A trichologist is also able to reduce hair loss and help you achieve a fuller, thicker head of hair.

Everyone’s hair and scalp is different and a trichologist is the only specialist that will know exactly how to treat your condition based on your specific symptoms and skin type.

Determining the Cause of Your Hair or Scalp Condition

During your consultation with the best trichologist in Sydney, your scalp will be thoroughly examined to determine what could be stunting the growth of your hair. Something as simple as an unhealthy scalp can prevent your hair from growing properly, with bacterial conditions and dandruff being two of the main culprits.

Damage can also occur during washing, drying and styling – even use the wrong brush can damage your hair follicles. Not knowing how to correctly care for your scalp can also lead to conditions such as Folliculitis and Psoriasis.

A trichologist will be able to tell you exactly why you’re experiencing hair loss or a scalp condition.

Treating Hair & Scalp Problems

There are a few steps that your trichologist will take to determine the best course of action, including measuring pH and sebum levels as well as scalp hydration.

Before hair transplantation is considered, there is also the option of topical medications or infrared therapies that can repair any existing damage.

Once your treatment has commenced, your doctor will track the growth of your hair to determine whether your treatment is actually working. If your hair doesn’t respond to treatment, you may need to start looking at other factors such as your diet, which also plays a role in the health of your hair.

Then there is also the possibility of autoimmune conditions – if your trichologist suspects that this might be the cause, blood tests will be required. Your doctor may also ask you to start adopting stress management techniques to boost your cortisol levels and hair growth.

The sooner that you seek help for any hair or scalp issue you might be experiencing, the greater your chances of finding a solution that will produce your desired result. If hair loss progresses to an advanced stage, there is very little that your trichologist will be able to do about it. Seeking help for your hair and scalp problems may even help you diagnose an underlying condition you never knew you had.